Commercial Solar

Integrating solar panels into your commercial building can revolutionize your energy consumption, offering substantial reductions in electricity bills and paving the way for a greener, more sustainable future. By generating clean energy from sunlight, you can offset a significant portion of your energy needs from the grid, leading to long-term cost savings and environmental benefits.

Explore Your Eligibility

Commercial Solar Grants

Discover the array of government grants and incentives available to support your transition to Solar PV Systems:

For larger commercial projects, our in-house design team is equipped to handle all aspects, including ESB

 networks and grid applications, ensuring a smooth transition to renewable energy.

Non-Domestic Microgen Grant

Administered by the SEAI, the Non-Domestic Microgen Grant (NDMG) provides financial assistance to businesses and organizations for the purchase and installation of PV Systems. Grants are based on the output of your system, with support available for systems up to a maximum of 6kWp, with grants of up to €2,400.

Feed-in Tariff

Since July 2022, businesses have had the opportunity to sell surplus solar electricity back to the grid. Ensure you get the best value for your exported electricity by exploring different electricity suppliers. The process is straightforward, requiring only solar panels, a suitable contract with an electricity supplier, and a smart meter.

Enhanced Supports through NDMS Solar PV Scheme

New funding ranging from €2,700 to €162,600 aims to support a broader spectrum of businesses in adopting solar energy. This enhanced scheme can cover up to 20-30% of the investment cost, reducing payback periods to as little as 5 years. These amendments will be available through SEAI from mid-July 2023, offering substantial support for businesses investing in renewable energy generation.

Benefits of Renewable Energy

Discover the multitude of benefits associated with utilizing renewable energy sources like solar panels:

Generate Free Electricity

Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, offering a sustainable and abundant energy source.

Cost Saving

Once installed, solar panels generate electricity at no cost, reducing dependence on grid electricity and resulting in significant savings

Planning Permission Exemptions

Benefit from exemptions for commercial and light industrial solar PV installations, providing significant savings equivalent to up to €4,000 of electricity per year.

Reduce Emissions

By harnessing solar power, you can diminish reliance on fossil fuels, contributing to a cleaner and greener energy system.

Enhance Company Image

Showcase your commitment to sustainability and reducing emissions, enhancing your brand's reputation and customer appeal.

Benefits of Renewable Energy

Discover the multitude of benefits associated with utilizing renewable energy sources like solar panels:

Generate Free Electricity

Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, offering a sustainable and abundant energy source.

Cost Saving

Once installed, solar panels generate electricity at no cost, reducing dependence on grid electricity and resulting in significant savings

Reduce Emissions

By harnessing solar power, you can diminish reliance on fossil fuels, contributing to a cleaner and greener energy system.

Enhance Company Image

Showcase your commitment to sustainability and reducing emissions, enhancing your brand's reputation and customer appeal.

Planning Permission Exemptions

Benefit from exemptions for commercial and light industrial solar PV installations, providing significant savings equivalent to up to €4,000 of electricity per year.

Non-Domestic Microgen Grant

Embrace the future of sustainable energy with Cara Energy. Contact us today to learn more about how Solar PV can transform your commercial building, lower your energy bills, and contribute to a cleaner, greener environment. Let’s work together towards a brighter, more sustainable future.
